Monday, September 8, 2008

Visual Aid Analysis

This picture represents the turmoil and harships that Christopher Columbus had to go through on his journies. It also expresses the trials and pain he went through before his voyages. Columbus endured dreadful storms and many problems during his travels. He went through severe winters going from coast to coast on the island of Espanola and having to fight off enemies. Like stated before, the image shows the trials that he met. Being a prisoner with his brothers was a troubling time for Columbus, but I believe that experience was just there to make him better serve his country. He would have never thought he would do the things he did or discovery the many places he discovered.
In the end, even though that he had to grow through that whole process he was able to represent his country in a good way, and that is what the clear blue sky represented. He had a clear and bright future ahead of him and it turned out like that when he discovered the little island of Espanola.

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