Monday, October 13, 2008

Gettysburg Address

1) Lincoln should have mentioned some ways of how the people should honor those who fought for everyone's freedom. He did not clearly specify who was fighting who. He did not state where or when these people were fighting.

2) Lincoln states how he believes that being the citizens of the nation, which people fought for, the society should give respect towards the deceased by continuing to fight for colonial freedom as they did. Since Lincoln's main point was to convince his society to continue to fight for freedom for all, this sentence used pathos to grab the audience's hearts and strongly express to them how important it was to not allow the deceased to have died for nothing. This sentence allows Lincoln to try to convince the audience through their emotions. The function that it performs is implementing pathos in his address to the audience. I think it reached the audience's appeal to sorrow for those who died for freedom. My sentence would go like this: Why shall we allow our deceased- those who died for our freedom, justice, and overall equality- to have given up their lives for nothing.

3) Both were written to convince the colonials to fight for freedom, from the British government and both described how their ideas were best for the people. The address was created to describe to the colonials how they should continue fighting for their freedom, so those who died did not for nothing. The Declaration of Independence was made to attack the King's quality of ruling and to list all the injustices the king committed. The Declaration of Independence had a harsher tone which was used to attack the king. The address had a more persuasive tone which was used to try to persuade colonials to continue fighting for freedom.

4) During my speech class, I heard many persuasive speeches and informational speeches. The address, Declaration of Independence, and other speeches I have heard all use techniques of persuasion and facts to support their beliefs and main ideas.

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